Discover our integrated solutions to streamline your workflows and enhance your security. Our integrations facilitate seamless data flow between systems, analyze cyber threats, and automate daily operations to maximize your efficiency.
Mail Gateway Integration scans all incoming and emails, ensuring safe and secure email communication with advanced threat analysis through MA360.
Endpoint Integration easily integrates with other companies' EDR systems to provide endpoint security and analyzes potential threats through MA360.
SharePoint integration enhances file sharing security in Microsoft’s cloud-based storage platforms through MA360.
ICAP Proxy integration aims to protect users from malicious content within web proxy communications by analyzing it through MA360.
The File Share integration allows MA360 to scan the traffic that takes place in various other party file sharing locations.
Postfix Email integration scans incoming emails to the smtp port and automatically sends the attachments to MA360 for security analysis.
The agent on the endpoint monitors system activities, detects potential threats, and enables their analysis through MA360, providing real-time protection against cyberattacks.
The Microsoft Defender XDR integration boosts endpoint security by automatically sending flagged and investigated files to MA360 for detailed analysis.
The CStrike Falcon integration boosts endpoint security by automatically sending flagged and investigated files to MA360 for detailed analysis.
The MA360 Outlook add-in analyzes email attachments for threats. When clicked, attachments are sent to MA360 for analysis, with results quickly reported to the user for action if needed.
Imap Email integration scans incoming emails and automatically sends the attachments to Malware Analyzer 360 for security analysis.